The consortium of institutions and universities known as "SmarterLabs" wanted to inform the stakeholders invested in urban issues by means of a nice and attractive video. They wanted to let them know that they could be helped in their search for solutions thanks to the "Living Lab" approach and the "SmarterLabs" guidelines: A tool that will guide these usual actors to avoid the usual pitfalls.
That's why they used Pixileon !
They were provided with a video in a style situated between the press cartoons and the street signs in order to stick with the theme. All with a touch of humor and poetry that is dear to us.
Enjoy the video and don't hesitate to comment and tell us what you think about it.
Script : University of Graz, Mario Diethart, Pixileon
Direction, Art Direction : PIXILEON / Jeremy Depuydt
Voice over : Andie Duncan
That's why they used Pixileon !
They were provided with a video in a style situated between the press cartoons and the street signs in order to stick with the theme. All with a touch of humor and poetry that is dear to us.
Enjoy the video and don't hesitate to comment and tell us what you think about it.
Script : University of Graz, Mario Diethart, Pixileon
Direction, Art Direction : PIXILEON / Jeremy Depuydt
Voice over : Andie Duncan